SearchUnify for

Drive relevance for your suppliers, distributors, and employees across the supply chain by surfacing the right information at the right time

Achieve Operational Excellence with Cognitive Search

Revolutionize information discovery and enhance supply chain visibility to reduce cost and improve operational excellence

Bridge Silos with 360° View of Supply Chain

When employees don’t have to dig into incessant product manuals, they can access and share knowledge easily. SearchUnify’s AI-powered search engine indexes both structured and unstructured data to uncover technical product details, customer information, contracts and regulations, and so on. Therefore, providing a unified view of the supply chain, accelerating R&D, optimizing product maintenance, and unveiling better opportunities for collaboration.

Bridge Silos with 360° View of Supply Chain
Auto-Tune Results to Streamline Operations

Auto-Tune Results to Streamline Operations

Manufacturing units are drowning in data while employees continue to starve for information. SearchUnify bridges the gap between big data volumes and timely access by surfacing the right information at the right time. It analyzes user behavior, search history, user role, etc. to auto-tune results and deliver relevance. You can also opt for manual tuning to control search relevance.

Deliver Personalized Relevance with ML

Step up your personalization game with search results based on a user’s search behavior. SearchUnify leverages machine learning algorithms that automatically learn from your dealers’ online interactions and behavior patterns to recommend content that best fits the bill.

Deliver Personalized Relevance with ML
Trace a Network of Experts

Trace a Network of Experts

Distributed manufacturing doesn’t just leave the knowledge scattered, but it also disintegrates the desired expertise across teams and geographies. SearchUnify’s AI-powered insight engine leverages NLP to extract meaning out of big data volumes that constitute information regarding employees’ work histories, training, experience on different projects, etc. By tapping into this info, project managers can identify the experts within the organization in no time.

Get Actionable Insights for Proactive Decision Making

In the manufacturing industry, speed and precision can make or break your business. SearchUnify’s predictive analytics leverage historical and transactional data to identify patterns for risks and opportunities in a specific condition. Along with improving the supply chain visibility, it also helps you identify gaps in content.

Get Actionable Insights for Proactive Decision Making
Search-Powered Chatbots for Better Support

Search-Powered Chatbots for Better Support

Chatbots help you automate routine tasks and deflect L1 queries, like stock availability, shipment status, contract details, supplier status, etc. Unlike the traditional standalone bots, SearchUnify’s chatbots built on a cognitive search framework, boost response relevance and case resolution; freeing up your agents for high-value engagements.

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