SearchUnify for
Learning & Training

Elevate learning experience with hyper‑personalization and enhanced
content findability.

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SearchUnify for <br>Learning & Training

Providing an Optimum Learning Experience With SearchUnify

Delivering improved learning experiences through tailored recommendations throughout the learner’s journey


Improved Content Findability

Learners can now bid adieu to the swivel-chair effect with SearchUnify’s native connectivity. Its out-of-the-box support for 50+ enterprise platforms helps index disparate content repositories. This creates a unified discovery experience for the learners with no unnecessary switching between tabs leading to an elevated learning experience.

Improved Content Findability
Hyper-Personalized Recommendations

Hyper-Personalized Recommendations

Learners nowadays prefer hyper-personalized interactions. SearchUnify’s machine learning algorithm leverages behavioral and historical data to understand learner intent and accordingly suggests the best courses. They’re also promptly shared via email to boost consumption.

Intuitive Learning Environment

The best way to improve the learning experience is by identifying the users’ needs and proactively sending relevant learning content. SearchUnify’s cognitive search considers previous queries and user familiarity to predict potential doubts that the user might have and offer assistance whenever required. This facilitates expedited learning product adoption.

Intuitive Learning Environment
Amplify Content Discovery with Taxonomy

Amplify Content Discovery with Taxonomy

Consistent tagging across digital learning content enables the engine to crawl all the repositories efficiently. However, inconsistent tagging can create a couple of problems. SearchUnify automatically assigns correct and consistent taxonomy across the content repositories. It also offloads a big chunk of manual work by taking care of knowledge sources with no tagging at all.

Ensure Seamless Employee Onboarding

New employees need access to correct information from the get-go for speedy & effective onboarding. SearchUnify ranks the most relevant learning content on top, which helps new joiners to learn the ropes without heavy supervision. The recommendations are customized based on the stage the learner’s stage —beginner to advanced. This way, it also benefits learners with some prior knowledge of the product wanting to learn about the latest features.

Ensure Seamless Employee Onboarding
Drive LMS Adoption & Engagement with Intelligent UI

Drive LMS Adoption & Engagement with Intelligent UI

Finding relevant content among thousands of KBs can be taxing. Smart facets and dynamic navigation are here to make this task easier! Smart facets allow learners to calibrate the search results, while dynamic navigation forms an interface based on their unique browsing patterns. Additionally, SearchUnify’s results preview feature enables learners to quickly preview search results on the SERP without opening it. This way, they can effortlessly zero in on the right learning module. select only the programs they want to engage with.

Understand Learners Preferences in Real Time

SearchUnify’s robust insights engine keeps a real-time pulse on a learner’s search data. That makes it easy to understand their interest areas. The insights engine offers comprehensive reports such as top-viewed learning articles, page views per article, etc. Such focused reports help you decipher complex user data and behavior to build learner-oriented, robust training programs.

Understand Learners Preferences in Real Time
Quantify Content Performance in Real-time

Quantify Content Performance in Real-time

SearchUnify’s granular reports on Searches with No Clicks, Searches with No Result, Sessions with Unsuccessful Searches, Unique Unsuccessful Searches, Daily Average No Click Searches, outdated articles, etc. help gauge content efficacy. This helps you identify what the learners are finding useful. Additionally, you can uncloak grey areas and create help articles accordingly.

Proactive Interactions Enabled by Integrated Insights

Once you’re equipped with reports and actionable insights into the learner’s journey, giving them what they want before they even realize it is now easier than ever. The search engine proactively recommends articles based on past searches, learner’s profiles, and previously clicked learning articles, thus enhancing their experience.

Proactive Interactions Enabled by Integrated Insights
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