SearchUnify for

Extend the capabilities of your ServiceNow instance with cognitive search and resolve more incidents quickly and proactively

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SearchUnify for <br>ServiceNow

Enable Your Support Agents to Resolve More Queries Faster

Leverage AI to take your customer service to the next level – from request to resolution


Unify Disparate Content Sources

Answers to your customers’ queries reside in multiple knowledge bases within your organization. Your support agents have to constantly move out of the ServiceNow console to retrieve incident-resolving content from these silos. You can help speed things up by providing them with seamless access to scattered knowledge inside the ServiceNow infrastructure.

Unify Disparate Content Sources
Boost Agent Productivity with Greater Relevance

Boost Agent Productivity with Greater Relevance

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) takes a hit when your customers get irrelevant responses to their queries or help content that they’ve already tried. Empower your support reps with insight into the customer journey before they contacted your support team. Leveraging this insight, your support reps can always provide better and more relevant solutions in the first call/contact.

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Improve FCR with Insights into Customer Journey

SearchUnify’s rich insights into customer journey enables agents to personalize customer service interactions and boost FCR by leveraging the ability to review user activity across all touchpoints, in real time.

Improve FCR with Insights into Customer Journey
Fill Existing Content Gaps

Fill Existing Content Gaps

SearchUnify combines AI with deep learning to provide rich insights into incidents that are resolved, closed or canceled. Once you understand what content helped your agents resolve queries successfully and what they searched for but couldn’t find, you can improve your content strategy and fill the content gaps if there are any.

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Here's What the Best in Business Have to Say About SearchUnify


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