Shift from Knowledge Creation to Curation with Large Language Models (LLMs) and Actionable Insights

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Knowbler Analytics

Knowbler Adoption Analytics

Real-time analytics provide insights into how well agents are leveraging
Knowbler for achieving the knowledge-first approach.

It is a stacked area graph that keeps you on top of two crucial metrics; the total number of cases closed and the contribution of agent-generated content in closing them. Support Effectiveness Data includes :

  • Case Number
  • Case Subject
  • Case Closed Date
  • Article Linked ( ID )
  • Article Linked ( Title )
  • Link Date
Accelerated Time to Value

This report helps you identify the knowledge workers who create the most articles and the impact of their work on reducing the TTR for cases that have the knowledge created by them linked to the case. They, in turn, can guide other employees to better contribute to the knowledge management initiative. Contribution analytics by an agent can be shown through :

  • Number of Articles Written
  • Number of Articles linked to a case
Accelerated Time to Value

This report helps monitor metrics that can be used to quantify the impact of Knowbler on your support team’s efficiency. The impact, measured in terms of article shares, can be converted into hours of effort and dollars saved.

Accelerated Time to Value

This report helps discover articles which had zero to very low impact on case resolution. The impact is measured in terms of share count. An article that’s never been shared or shared only one, two, or three times, may require some action. This report helps you identify those low-performing articles and take appropriate action. The sole section in Low Impact KB Articles is Least Used Articles. You can filter the list using:

  • Max Share Count
  • Last Modified Date
Accelerated Time to Value

Knowledge Health Analytics

By leveraging the power of machine learning, Knowbler offers real-time insights
into content health and standard.

It lists the contribution of each agent to overall content health by highlighting the agent's score on each of the following parameters:

  • Uniqueness
  • Completeness
  • Content Clarity
  • Title Accuracy
  • Links Validity
  • Metadata Correctness
Accelerated Time to Value

This report lists all the active Content Health parameters and the respective articles that don't meet the content health criterion.

Accelerated Time to Value

Knowledge Performance Analytics

Evaluates knowledge consumption trends and the value of created knowledge in improving
support and self-service outcomes.

It gauges the total closed case volume that had the potential to link KB articles and the definite knowledge linking rate. The gap in the knowledge linking will help support managers learn when agent training is necessary. Additionally, it will help access if the the relevant knowledge results are populating correctly, when searched by end users.

Accelerated Time to Value

It checks if knowledge was linked to cases, and how much was the accuracy of article linkage. It will help support managers ensure the proper training resources for their agents and provide them with insights into which knowledge needs to be revised.

Accelerated Time to Value

This indicates the opportunity to create and revise knowledge articles.

Accelerated Time to Value

Content value score gauges the frequency of knowledge linking by other agents, frequency of knowledge consumption on self-service channels ( via average number of page views ), and incorporates the feedback shared by end-users on the knowledge usage.

Content standard score indicates the quality of knowledge articles on a scale of 10, based on parameters including uniqueness, completeness, title relevancy, link validity and metadata accuracy, content clarity.

Accelerated Time to Value

Agent Activity Metrics

This presents an overview of agents’ activities, including number of articles
published, revised, articles in backlog, etc.

It calculates the number of articles published and revised, by support agents and the days taken to complete the publishing or revision process, indicating article ageing.

Accelerated Time to Value

It represents the knowledge articles that are currently in drafts or review stage, and indicates the duration they have been in these respective stages.

Accelerated Time to Value

Organization Level Analytics

To showcase organizations the value of Knowbler, its ROI for support
organizations, and the value they achieved from its adoption.

It categorizes the case into “new” and “known” to identify trends and patterns in customer cases, prioritize critical “new” cases, and discover the areas where additional training or resources are required. It also help access how mature the current KB is, in resolving the known cases efficiently.

Accelerated Time to Value

It measures the time and cost saved through enabling customers to find resolutions independently through self-service articles and through enabling agents to link these articles to relevant cases.

Accelerated Time to Value

Intelligent Insights

Fueled by LLM-powered rich insights, Knowbler visualizes the correlation between cases logged and knowledge base data

It visualizes the correlation between cases logged and knowledge base data, enabling the timely creation of new knowledge for specific cases.

Accelerated Time to Value

Fueled by insights from Knowbler’s Knowledge Gaps Visualization report, this feature leverages advanced clustering algorithms to analyze case data and identify patterns, grouping similar cases into distinct clusters.

By analyzing these clusters and their overlap with existing knowledge articles, Knowbler’s Intelligent Insights dashboard provides actionable recommendations for new article topics, directly addressing identified knowledge gaps.

Accelerated Time to Value

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