SearchUnify to Participate at IDC Directions 2024, the 59th Annual Directions Conference

Scheduled for Thursday, March 14 in Boston, Massachusetts, and on Wednesday, April 3 in San Jose, California, the event will dive deep into ‘The Digital Business Impact of AI Everywhere.’

Mountain View, CA | March 13, 2024SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform, is pleased to announce its participation at IDC Directions 2024, the 59th annual Directions conference focused on using tech to scale the digital business. Scheduled for Thursday, March 14 in Boston, Massachusetts and on Wednesday, April 3 in San Jose, California, the full-day event includes eight mainstage speakers, 15 breakout sessions, and much more.

For over 50 years, IDC’s annual Directions conference has been delivering an informative and actionable overview of the issues shaping the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. The central theme for this year is ‘The Digital Business Impact of AI Everywhere,’ aiming to unveil how ongoing AI investment delivers quantifiable business outcomes, particularly across three broad categories: productivity, experiences, and revenue.

According to IDC, “Worldwide spending on AI solutions will grow to more than $500 billion in 2027. In turn, most organizations will experience a notable shift in the weight of technology investments toward AI implementation and adoption of AI-enhanced products/services.”

Riding on the wave of AI innovation for a long time now, SearchUnify is delighted to be the part of IDC Directions 2024. Experts Walter Chase, Director of Professional Services, and Shivraj Asthana, President, at SearchUnify, will actively engage with analysts and exchange invaluable insights and strategies capable of shaping the future of industry.

Expressing his enthusiasm for the event, Shivraj Asthana, said “IDC Directions, for over 50 years, has been providing a platform to network with experts from various industries and foster innovation. We are quite excited to be a part of this interactive conference, indulge in 1:1 meetings with top-tier analysts, exchange ideas, and demonstrate the potential of our AI-powered products in scaling the business outcomes.”

“With AI evolving at rapid pace, it is imperative for organizations to stay abreast of the trends and be adaptive to drive success,” states Alok Ramsisaria, CEO, Grazitti Interactive, SearchUnify’s parent company. “IDC Directions is an ideal platform for gaining in-depth insights and sharing proven strategies to empower leading businesses seamlessly leverage the power of advanced AI and maximize results.”

To find more details about the event or book a meeting, click here.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified search cognitive platform, by Grazitti Interactive, and is built on a machine learning and insights engine. The platform boasts a suite of AI-powered products, including Cognitive Search, SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA), Agent Helper, Knowledge Enabler (Knowbler), Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Leading enterprises globally rely on SearchUnify for revolutionizing information discovery and elevating support outcomes.

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