SearchUnify to Kick Off the Second Season of Vodcast Series ‘The Customer Service Show’

Starting on January 18, 2023, the episodes will unveil the transformative impact of Generative AI on customer support.

Mountain View, CA | December 26th, 2023 — SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform, is set to captivate audiences again as it gears up for the second season of its exciting vodcast series, ‘The Customer Service Show.’ The first season uncovered all things premium support and was a smash hit among customer support professionals.

The second season of the series will highlight the significant role of AI in customer support. Featuring Patricia Lughezzani (Founder, PL Support Solutions and Executive Advisor, Grazitti Interactive, SearchUnify’s Parent Company) along with leading industry experts and thought leaders, it will explore the historical evolution of AI in customer support, its present impact, and forecast its future landscape.

The narrative will particularly emphasize the emergence of Generative AI and how it is transforming the sphere of customer support. Viewers can learn effective strategies on how they can leverage this cutting-edge technology to provide relevant, contextual, and intent-driven support experiences at scale.

“With the current economic pressure and increasing emphasis on profitable SaaS, utilizing AI capabilities will be essential for achieving cost savings. As a result, many companies have AI/LLM initiatives to drive efficiencies at the forefront of their 2024 corporate objectives,” says Patricia Lughezzani.

“AI has long been the backbone of customer support, and the arrival of Generative AI has ushered in a new era of possibilities. At SearchUnify, we have taken this to the next level with our innovative frameworks and applications like SearchUnifyFRAG and SearchUnifyGPT, helping enterprises unlock seamless user experiences,” says Vishal Sharma, CTO, SearchUnify. “We’re thrilled to dive deeper into these advancements in the upcoming season of our vodcast series, opening new doors to the exciting future of customer support.”

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified search cognitive platform, by Grazitti Interactive, and is built on a machine learning and insights engine. The platform boasts a suite of AI-powered products, including Cognitive Search, SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA), Agent Helper, Knowledge Enabler (Knowbler), Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Leading enterprises globally rely on SearchUnify for revolutionizing information discovery and elevating support outcomes.

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