SearchUnify Ranks Among the Top 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management

Mountain View, CA | March 16, 2022 – SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform, announced that it has been named as one of KMWorld’s 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management for 2022. It is a list of innovative companies that aim to help support organizations simplify access to information, leverage new opportunities, and accelerate growth. You can view the complete list here.

“In the digital era where data is growing exponentially, businesses struggle to consume and manage data,” said Alok Ramsisaria, CEO, Grazitti Interactive. “We take pride in offering a solution that not only redefines knowledge management for our customers but also revolutionizes information discovery to improve operational efficiency, thereby helping enterprises deliver stellar customer and agent experiences,” he further added.

“Connected, informed, personalized, and agility altogether form the success mantra for any forward-thinking company. Successful organizations don’t just want to survive; they want to gain a sustainable competitive advantage to dominate the marketplace,” said Vishal Sharma, CTO, SearchUnify. “The 2022 KMWorld 100 is a handy list to acquaint you with the leading companies that help in expanding the information use and efficient knowledge management. We are all agog to be a part of the list,” he further added.

About KMWorld

KMWorld is the leading information provider serving the Knowledge Management systems market and covers the latest in Content, Document and Knowledge Management, informing more than 21,000 subscribers about the components and processes – and subsequent success stories – that together offer solutions for improving business performance. KMWorld is a publishing unit of Information Today, Inc.

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform by Grazitti Interactive that revolutionizes information findability, fuels intelligent enterprise search, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like Intelligent Chatbot, Agent Helper, KCS Enabler, Escalation Predictor, and Community Helper. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries.

Media Contact
Karamjeet Singh Khosa
Senior Marketing Manager, SearchUnify