
Why Your Contact Center Can’t Afford to Ignore AI?

Imagine spending hours on hold trying to resolve a critical software issue, only to be transferred to multiple departments without a solution. That is a complex issue most businesses face. Or you lose revenue opportunities due to poor customer service experiences. In fact, you could incur eroding trust with key…

Optimizing Community Search for Better User Experience

Imagine a bustling online community, brimming with potential connections and valuable insights. Yet, amidst this vibrant hub, a silent crisis unfolds: members struggling to find the information they seek. “Our biggest issue is on the user experience. We don't have a great search, a global search option. And it makes…

What is Vector Search? Key Insights, Benefits and Limitations

Vector search has emerged as a game-changing approach, transforming how we search and access information. Earlier, information retrieval entirely relied on keyword search systems and did not leverage any AI technologies. Imagine a scenario where a user knows the context but doesn't remember the exact keywords to find the information.…

How Generative AI is Reshaping the Enterprise Search Landscape?

In this ever-evolving digital landscape where information should be at one's fingertips, inefficient enterprise search remains a persistent challenge. According to IDC, a knowledge worker spends around 2.5 hours per day, or 30% of a workday, just searching for relevant information. The information glut is scattered across various repositories, causing…

How Cognitive Search Redefines Customer Experience?

"This is not what I'm looking for." Many users go through the same experience even after leveraging enterprise search. Ever wondered why? As the digital landscape evolves, user demand changes. They crave a seamless search experience that is not just personalized, but delivers relevant and accurate results. This is where…

Thriving in Disruption: How Knowledge Management Empowers Businesses

The business world is no stranger to change. But in recent years, the pace of that change has become truly disruptive. New technologies emerge seemingly overnight, customer expectations shift on a dime, and a single innovative player can reshape entire industries. Traditional models struggle to keep up, leaving businesses scrambling…

Customer Service Chatbots: The Journey from Robotic to Context-rich, Personalized Conversations

Remember the first time you interacted with a chatbot? It felt like magic - a machine mimicking human conversation! While those early attempts were a novelty, they often left users more frustrated than satisfied. These rudimentary chatbots relied heavily on scripted responses and keywords, leading to awkward and unproductive interactions.…

Open Source LLMs: Pros and Cons for your Organization Adoption

Forrester reported that enterprise adoption of GenAI surged from 62% to 71%, indicating one of the fastest adoption rates for a new technology in the enterprise. With the emergence of large language models (LLMs), the support industry has undergone a paradigm shift. LLMs' exceptional abilities in text generation, summarization, language…

The Power of Customer Learning: Cultivating Engaged and Empowered Users

Do you ever feel like some users are stuck in a product limbo? They might have signed up, but rarely interact. Or, they use the product regularly, but only the basic features. This value gap - the disconnect between what your product offers and how much customers are utilizing it…

5 Design Principles for Self-Service Portal Success

In today's fast-paced world, self-service portals have become a cornerstone for business growth. Moreover, 88% of people worldwide expect brands to offer customer support portals so they can help themselves. It is not just a trend; it's a necessity for businesses to stay competitive and meet customer expectations. However, poorly…

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