
Exploring the Correlation & Differences Between Customer Support & Customer Success

Customer success is one of the biggest buzzwords right now. As per Business Insider, customer success specialists have seen 34% annual growth in demand in the past five years. But, alas, not all companies have adopted it yet. Even worse, 36% of companies are unaware of the difference between customer…

6 Innovative Apps that Should be Part of Your 2021 Support Budget

You’re probably sick of some words like ‘disruption,’ ‘uncertain times,’ ‘volatile markets,’ etc. I know I am. But they will continue to float around, at least for a few more months. Undoubtedly, this is the hardest time to grow (or sustain) a business, but if you are smart about certain…

3 Ingenious Apps to Stimulate Online Community Engagement in 2021

Online communities are a big part of your customer’s experience. From enabling self-service to driving brand loyalty and engagement, they play a key in improving metrics like CSAT, customer retention rate, NPS, and whatnot. Both Forrester and Gartner agree that the future looks bright for self-service portals. Customers are accustomed…

8 Ways to Catapult Self-Service Efficacy with Better Findability

As a customer, we’re past waiting on the phone to get support, aren’t we? Perhaps this is why a lot of people are turning to self-service channels to look for answers. Consequently, the traffic on the digital ‘non-voice’ channels increases significantly. Businesses understand the part self-service plays in their customer…

CTO’s POV: Augment Workforce Productivity and Reduce Customer Effort to Weather All Disruptions

Companies across the globe are under immense pressure as they continue to tread along the tricky waters of a once-in-a-lifetime occurring pandemic. Changed customer attitudes and behaviors alongside new workforce challenges and priorities have essentially transformed the way things are done, pushing organizations into a new era. One with a…

3 Powerful Ways to Imbue AI for Predictive Customer Service

Artificial intelligence is transforming different business verticals in real-time. From Netflix, acting as a movie matchmaker with its personalized recommendations, Amazon suggesting new purchases using customer search history & transactions, to American Express predicting and preventing fraudulent transactions, businesses have struck gold with AI, more accurately with predictive AI. Predictive…

How Cognitive Technology Helps You Modernize Support Strategy & Delivery

Delivering exemplary customer service is non-negotiable for businesses to remain profitable in the long run. One wrong move and all your efforts go down the drain. In fact, 33 percent of Americans say they’ll consider switching companies after just a single instance of poor service. We cannot emphasize enough the…

Content Findability: The Cornerstone Of Customer Self-Service

91% of organizations identify web self-service as a relevant investment focus for its ability to help reduce contact center costs, relieve pressure on customer support agents, and drive customer journey KPIs. However, only 9% of customers are able to optimize those channels and self-serve successfully. Have you ever received a…

5 Pillars of Modern Customer Service to Future Proof Your Business

This year made sure that digital transformation didn’t remain a ‘bandwagon’ to jump on but the default option of companies. Many brands have pivoted themselves to meet short-term survival goals. But to be part of the long game means building resilient customer service that keeps experience–customer and employee–at the core.…

Escalation Prediction: An Indispensable Part of Modern Customer Support

Did you know that 91 percent of unhappy customers don’t even give you a second chance? They simply switch brands without lodging a complaint. So, if you’ve become complacent with the absence of feedback, then apologies for bursting your bubble — it’s high time you tap into your complaint data…

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