
Evolving Your Online Community Beyond A Support Forum

Gone are the days when brand-building was just one-way communication. The key nowadays is co-creation and enabling customers to build your brand with you. And the smartest way to go about it is establishing a branded community. With online communities on the scene, brands are able to onboard customers, house…

3 Ways Your Support Outcomes Benefit From KCS

Unlike the traditional add-on process of knowledge engineering, KCS becomes the way people solve problems and creates knowledge as a by-product of problem-solving. – KCS Academy Knowledge-centered service (KCS) has been around for a long time. If implemented properly, it reduces customer time-to-value and improves agent workflows by facilitating intelligent…

Agile Knowledge Management: Why & How to Inculcate It

While agile knowledge management is relatively a new concept, this is how KM processes should have been in the first place. What does it mean? Is it the right way to manage knowledge in your organization? What’s wrong with the system already in place? We will answer all these questions…

9 Factors That Can Improve the Health of Your Content

In one of our previous blog posts, we walked you through the factors to consider before investing in an enterprise search engine. In case you missed it, you can find it right here. But the success of this investment depends on a completely different set of variables. One of them…

How to Turn Your Customer Service Team Into a Profit Center

Petrifying customer service stories are everywhere; and with an instant outlet on social media, these have only become more horrifying. Found a dead lizard in your food? Tweet a photo. The airline lost your baggage? Air your grievance on social media. There is no dearth of the abovementioned instances. No…

The Whys And Hows Of Customer Experience ROI

Brands with superior customer experience bring in 5.7 times more revenue than their competitors. A number of facts and surveys prove that a stellar CX is non-negotiable for brands to survive. 73% of customers say a good experience is key in influencing their purchase decisions. We cannot emphasize enough the…

How to Make Personalization at Scale More ‘Personal’

World’s leading B2C brands have inculcated the personalization seeds so deep in customers that it has changed the very fabric of the digital world. No wonder customers expect the same from B2B companies. And when made personalization at scale possible, companies have lit up their business like the fourth of…

5 Customer Service Trends that Leaders Need to Keep an Eye On in 2021

An every-cloud-has-a-silver-lining kind of professional will describe this year in two words- digital transformation. Although the abrupt shift–moving businesses online, enabling employees to work from home, conducting conferences virtually, etc.–posed challenges initially, it’s safe to say that companies weathered the pandemic as gracefully as they could. The situation(s) led to…

6 Online Community Trends & Lessons That’ll Spearhead Customer Engagement in 2021

This year brought in-person meetings and social gatherings like summits and conferences to a total standstill. As a result, virtual engagement got its moment in the sun. It paved the way for a strong surge in virtual engagement, which also found its way to online communities. FeverBee reported that community…

5 Powerful Customer Experience Trends That Will Shape 2021 & Beyond

Businesses around the world are hoping that 2021 brings with itself much-needed stability and normalcy back into our lives. But one thing is clear: customer behavior has changed based on how brands pivoted and delivered through the pandemic. Many reports from leading research institutes have emphasized the role of customer…

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