
NLQA- The Brain Behind Blistering-Fast Chatbot Responses

Intelligent chatbots or virtual assistants are built on the underlying technology of natural language processing and machine learning. AI-driven bots improve themselves by self-learning as and when more data is fed to them while elevating customer interactions. This blog discusses in detail what NLQA is and the key role NLQA…

5 Ways Cognitive Technology Helps Stamp Out Zero Result Pages

Gone are the days when customers used to settle for mediocre experiences. Along with immediacy, they want accurate results. However, no matter how much you prepare, there will always be one odd query that generates an empty or ‘No Results’ page. Planning for such inevitable dead-ends is at the heart…

Demystify User Intent & Context with Natural Language Processing

You: ‘Hey! Can you tell me more about this offer?’ Bot: Sure, can I have your email address? You: I am yet to register. Bot: I am sorry, this email doesn’t exist. You: I am not a registered member. Bot: This email doesn’t match any existing ID. Yikes! If you’ve…

How Technology Silos Are Killing Your AX & Support ROI

SWZD anticipates that big changes will brew up in IT due to the pandemic. Overall, IT budgets are expected to decline slightly year-over-year in 2021, but 80% of businesses still anticipate tech spending to stay the same or increase. Life without technology has become increasingly difficult in the digital era.…

How Semantic Annotations Can Help Improve Findability of Your Content

An IDC report suggested that the collective sum of the world's data will grow to 175 zettabytes by 2025. Some estimates even suggest that 80-90% of this data is unstructured. “If one were able to store 175ZB onto BluRay discs, then you’d have a stack of discs that can get…

How KCS & Self-Service Work Hand-in-Hand to Drive AX & CX

Businesses understand the crucial role that self-service plays in their CX strategy. As a result, they’ve started capitalizing on knowledge-centered service (KCS) as their biggest superpower to revolutionize self-service. KCS breaks through the limitations of traditional support strategies and enables organizations to deliver value and brand promise coupled with efficiency.…

5 Customer Success KPIs to Measure the Impact of Your Customer Relations

“Customer Success is where 90% of the revenue is.” –Jason M. Lemkin Growing companies and their founders will tell you that customer success is no longer a buzzword but a proactive and focused approach for creating lifelong customers. That’s because they know that the probability of selling to an existing…

How a Robust Knowledge Base Remodels Your Support Organization

Are you swamped with an overwhelming amount of support tickets? Or do you and your team receive the same queries time and again? If yes, then chances are that you don’t have a robust knowledge base (KB) in place. With a strong KB, also known as a customer portal, you…

Beyond Round-Robin Order: How Intelligent Case Assignment Drives CX & Agent Productivity

One of the most important attributes of good customer service is how quickly you can resolve their issues. Putting customers in a queue while they wait for the next available agent is asking them to play time-consuming routing roulette—a gamble that could go wrong. The solution? An intelligent routing system…

6 Factors that Make the Final Buy or Build Chatbot Decision Easier

AI and automation have become the business linchpins to drive successful conversations online. So much so that, a recent survey found that chatbots rank in the top three most preferred ways to contact companies for a question or complaint. Furthermore, users expect companies to respond to queries 24/7. Automating the…

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