
8 Focus Areas for Building an Efficacious E-Learning Strategy

Did you know that in 2017, the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that 60 percent of occupations had at least 30 percent of constituent work activities that could be automated by 2030? Simply put, as many as 375 million workers globally would have to switch occupations or acquire new skills by…

How TSIA’s Support Services Maturity Model Revitalizes Your Support Function

"Whatever made you successful in the past won't in the future." - Lewis E. Platt, the ex-chairman and ex-CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co. Are you into archery? If the answer is yes, then you already understand how much effort goes into hitting the bull's eye. It's the same with an organization's…

Grazitti Interactive’s SearchUnify Named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search, Q3 2021

According to The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search, Q3 2021, “‘Knowledge is power’ goes for every enterprise. However, much of that knowledge is locked up tight as a drum in data silos ad infinitum. Cognitive search platforms ingest, organize, and understand data from enterprise data sources to provide employees with precise…

Why Microlearning Makes Sense for Your Customers, Employees, & Enterprise

Modern developments have revolutionized our lives for the better. But with the advancements comes an information surge that is hard to keep up with and adds to the existing knowledge gaps. What’s more, customers and employees are now running low on time and have the attention span of a child.…

Search Intent: The Firepower for Optimizing Self-Service Experiences

You enter a brick-and-mortar store. And, while you’re looking at options hoping to self-serve, out comes a salesperson asking you if you need any help — or worse, give you suggestions. Fun fact: 40% of people now prefer self-service as opposed to human contact for interacting with a business. Customers…

How to Successfully Proliferate Conversational AI Into Your Corporate-Wide CX Strategy

Conversational AI evolved from being just a touchpoint tool to a personal assistant that leverages cognitive resources (like ML, NLP, and analytics) to play many roles across your CX strategy. The same chatbot that provides information to a prospect can also ensure a smooth onboarding experience at later stages. It…

TSIA Shares Strategies to Amplify the Success of Intelligent Search

You must be familiar with the phrase “change is the only constant in the world.” But when it comes to enterprises, there is another constant: data retrieval systems. Enterprise information retrieval systems came into existence even before the internet did. However, it was the rise of web search engines that…

How to Combat Low LMS Adoption with Engaging Learning Experiences

Imagine this. The big day has finally arrived! After working incredibly hard for years, building trust and expertise, you have been assigned the herculean task of rolling out a large-scale training program for the entire workforce. The stakes are high, and so is the budget. You have already labored for…

Self-Service Learning: The Best Way to Transform Your Training Landscape

As per McKinsey Global Institute, as many as 375 million workers — or 14 percent of the global workforce — would have to switch occupations or acquire new skills by 2030 because of automation and artificial intelligence. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of employee and customer training. If you…

Colubridae ‘21: Adding Another Dimension to Usability, Intent Optimization, Chatbot Storyboarding, & More

Aaaand, we’re back! Another scintillating release, Colubridae ‘21, has just landed. ? You asked—and we delivered! There are also a few things that you didn’t really ask for, but we threw ‘em in any way! Why? Because keeping our customers happy is quite high on our to-do list. That makes…

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