
Unlocking Digital Self-Service Success: 5 Questions to Guide Your Strategy

According to Gartner, 88% of customer journeys start with self-service and touch multiple channels to find resolution. In this evolving digital landscape, customers believe in solving their issues through self-service channels. Despite this, many organizations grapple to provide relevant search results to their customers, leading to frustration. Consequently, customers abandon…

Mitigating Agentic AI Risks | The Critical Role of Guardrails

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, particularly in the realm of agentic AI, has brought both immense promise and significant concerns. As AI systems become increasingly capable of independent action and decision-making, the potential risks associated with their misuse or unintended consequences have grown exponentially. To ensure the safe and…

Unlocking a New Level of User Experience with Semantic Search

With the evolving digital landscape, data is growing rapidly leading to heaps of information generated within an organization. Now, with these large data repositories, the challenge is to retrieve the right information at the right time. Traditional searches like keyword search misses the mark in identifying the context and intent…

How To Boost Agent Productivity With Knowledge Audits?

"If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete." ~ Jack Welch Today, organizations strive to gain a competitive edge. The most powerful tool for achieving this advantage is a comprehensive knowledge audit which is also a smart approach to managing knowledge. However, the challenge is as the knowledge base…

How To Cultivate A Knowledge-Sharing Culture At Workplace?

The only true failure is keeping knowledge you could have shared with others to yourself. ~ Baylor Barbee Team knowledge grows when employees actively and consistently share knowledge within the team. Due to inefficient knowledge sharing, US-based businesses lose around USD 2.7 million to USD 265 million in productivity. This…

Reducing Case Transfers: The Key to Better Agent and Customer Experience

Case transfers are a costly and frustrating bottleneck. The constant “ping-pong” shuffling of cases between agents not only strains agent morale but also erodes customer satisfaction. Case transfers are a common occurrence in contact centers. All of which give rise to a significant decline in customer experience, impacting CSAT and…

AI in Customer Support: Is it Here to Take Your Job or Make It Better?

"Is AI here to take my job?" That’s the question weighing on the minds of countless employees today, especially customer support agents. As AI continues to revolutionize industries, it has sparked excitement and unease in equal measure. While it’s undeniably streamlining processes and automating tasks, it’s also fueling anxiety about…

Leverage Agentic AI For Enterprise Knowledge Management

The explosion of information, coupled with rising customer expectations, presents a significant challenge for support teams. Customers demand quick, accurate solutions, and businesses are increasingly turning to self-service as a cost-effective and efficient solution. However, traditional knowledge management often falls short, failing to bridge the gap between information and resolution.…

How To Eliminate Silo Mentality To Build A More Unified Team?

"Breaking down barriers and working across silos is the key to any company’s success. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." ~ Jack Welch – Former CEO of GE Organizational silos appear when teams focus on individual goals rather than collaboration and teamwork. McKinsey states that 80%…

Building the Business Case for Advanced LLM Adoption in Technical Support: A Roadmap to ROI

The transformative potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in technical support is capturing the attention of forward-thinking businesses. However, transitioning from pilot projects to full-scale adoption requires a compelling business case that resonates with decision-makers and clearly demonstrates the return on investment (ROI). This blog post outlines a structured approach…

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